2013 Bursaries

At the Union of National Employees, we know that education is a key ingredient of personal growth. We also recognize that there are countless barriers to continuing education. That’s partly why we award three bursaries each year – to make it a little bit easier for our members and their family to access quality education.

For our members, union education ensures that the work we do on behalf of our brothers and sisters is of the highest quality.

You can apply for the following bursaries right now:

The Laurier Auger Bursary awards $2,000 to a UNE member – or their partner or child – who is entering the first year of post-secondary education. The application must be received by June 30. For more information and to find out how to apply, click here.

The Bursary for an Adult Member attending an Institute of Higher Learning awards $1,000 to a member who wishes to attend a union-related course. The application must be received by July 31. For more information and to find out how to apply, click here.

The Alfred Papineau Bursary applies $500 towards the tuition of a part-time course that will help a member participate more fully in union activities. The application must be received by August 31. For more information and to find out how to apply, click here.

The terms of reference for our bursaries are also found on the Annual Bursaries section of our website.