Elections Canada – Safeguard of the Canadian Electoral System and Democracy

November 16, 2020

In light of the election turmoil that has been unfolding south of the border, it is legitimate to ask ourselves if a similar situation could happen here. The simple answer is no or very unlikely because of the way the Canadian electoral system works and because of the Westminster parliamentary system.

Elections Canada, an independent and non-partisan federal agency, created a century ago, oversees federal elections in all provinces and territories. All Canadian voters gets the same experience at the polling station wherever they reside.

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We are fortunate that all of Canada has Elections Canada, as an organization, as compared to state-run voting organizations in the United States that are prone to political partisan influences.

Our union is proud to represent Elections Canada workers with their unbiased professionalism, and their total respect for the Canada Elections Act.

Visit Elections Canada’s 100th Anniversary to learn more about this important agency and the work these members do.