Empowerment on International Women’s Day


By Hayley Millington

Canada’s theme for the 2016 International Women’s Day (IWD) is Women’s Empowerment Leads to Equality. On a global scale, the United Nations (UN) calls for “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality”. You may question the validity of this or wonder if the goal itself is too lofty. Despite one’s feelings of apprehension, I can say that the goal is an achievable one and unequivocally state that gender equality is a goal worth accomplishing.

Empowerment on its own merit is an essential component to achieving equality amongst the sexes. Empowerment also allows the female of our species to better attain goals that they set for themselves as well as enable them to take the helm of their individual lives whilst becoming positive contributors to their societies at large. Women and girls embracing empowerment means that better choices can be made that will allow their needs and those of their families to be met.

The Status of Women in Canada states that Empowerment includes: “Having access to education, getting involved in the community, becoming financially independent, understanding your right to live free from violence, knowing how governments works and exercising your domestic rights”. Canada has been touted as a world leader when it comes to the empowerment of women and gender equality plays a significant role in many of its development programs. In many parts of the world, women and their governments are still playing “catch up” and the idea of gender equality is still only a concept.

The UN calls for an accelerated 2030 agenda whereby we are able to implement a new set of sustainable goals. As well, they are focusing on …”new commitments under the UN Step It Up initiative, and other existing commitments on gender equality, women’s empowerment and women’s human rights”.

It is beneficial to humanity to have their female populous empowered and able, through equality and gender parity, the chance and tools to reach their full potential allowing for an enriched society for all.

Empowered Woman, Unfettered by life’s once cumbersome details

Mindful of self and surroundings, desires and needs now relevant, never again curtailed

Primed and full of confidence, she soars past her inconsolable self and rises

Owning the experiences that create the memories of her life, once Tethered

Warrior spirits abound, never waning and in full fight regalia

Eager to take flight

Revealing the strengths of her character, no longer held in abeyance

Much to their chagrin

Emancipated and able, ready to ascend to a new understanding of oneself

Notwithstanding the powers of governments and societies

Tantamount to the oppressive beliefs now outlawed and waylaid by what she understands of herself and her place for she alone commands the niche now carved and indelible, never again invisible and on display for all to see.

Hayley Millington is the UNE’s National Equity Representative for Women.