Your Vote = Your Future


As the October 19th election approaches, the Union of National Employees urges all Canadians to think about the lack of respect this government has increasingly displayed over the last 10 years. If the last three terms have taught us anything, it is that there is no end in sight if the Harper government remains in power following the next election.

“It comes down to respect,” said UNE National President Doug Marshall. “As a union we ask for respect at the bargaining table and in the workplace. As Canadians we demand respect for our families and livelihoods. All of this has been under attack under the Harper regime.”

The cuts to services affect us all. Government jobs have been slashed and privatized, leading to lower wages and reduced employment stability. And the cuts are twofold – not only do they impact the workers but also leave Canadians with poorer access to quality services; environmental protection and the preservation of historic sites have been compromised, the number of officers who protect the health and safety of workers is dwindling, and wait times for virtually all government services have increased. Just try to get a security clearance these days. You might have several job offers, but the government is months behind in processing clearances. The result? Capable workers are left to draw on employment insurance.

It’s a direct attack on middle-class Canadians. Hard-working ‎families have been ignored and abandoned. The Canadian dream of working hard and getting ahead is no longer the norm as Canadians struggle under crippling debt.

So we urge you to get out and vote on October 19th. Over the next few months we will provide you with the steps you need to take to ensure you are on the voter’s list and that your voice is heard loud and clear. You have the power!

We recently had the opportunity to participate in Mediaplanet Canada’s Organized Labour campaign which provides an opportunity to educate Canadians on the importance of Unions. The Organized Labour campaign is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the men and women who fought and continue to fight for the rights and freedoms of hardworking Canadians as well as many additional rights we enjoy as union and non-union members today. The campaign was distributed through the Toronto Star on July 18th 2015 and is published online. For the full campaign, click here: