We love getting photos of our members in action! We’re a fun bunch, so let’s flaunt it. Who knows, we might inspire others to join us!
Using the right equipment
Nowadays, we all walk around with a camera conveniently tucked away inside our mobile phones. They’re great for that impromptu shot, but they haven’t yet reached the calibre of an actual camera. Unfortunately, we often have to turn away pictures taken with a mobile phone because they’re too grainy or just not large enough for us to work with.
So, if you have an actual digital camera, bring it. If you don’t, make sure your phone is capturing photos using the highest resolution possible.
Look out for our members… and please be careful!
We’re going to assume you know how to take a good photo. If you’re in a crowd, try to spot our members in action. The typical ‘say cheese’ shots are great – but candid shots can be absolutely magical.
Try taking shots from different angles or getting a bird’s eyeview (while, of course, being mindful of your safety!). Always be careful around traffic and look out for potential hazards (like lamp posts that shoot out of nowhere!). Finally, resist the urge to walk backwards while taking shots… trust us on that one.
Side note: we’ve amassed a great collection of “union dogs” (you know, dogs who accompany their owners to rallies, protests and other union events). We can’t get enough of these! We’re also anxiously waiting for the day we get pictures of union cats, ferrets or parrots. Consider it your mission, if you choose to accept it!
Side note #2: We love retro photos. So, if you have pictures of our members doing union things while… I don’t know… wearing bell-bottoms or sporting neon colours, we’d love to see them!
Sending us photos
Okay so you made it home safely and you didn’t walk into a lamp post. Now you have to send us your photos. If you’re sending one or two, you can send them to communications@une-sen.org. If you have one great shot to share, post it on our Facebook page (try to resist the urge to post more than one – otherwise you might flood our feed and our members might miss out on some important information).
If you have tons of photos, great! But don’t send them by email… (you might break the email machine!). Give us a ring or email us; we’ll figure out the best way to get them to us.
Finally, make sure you write a few words about where you took these photos. If there are members in the photos, make sure to include names or their local number. We just want to make sure we can give a little context to your pictures.
Then what?
Your photos might make it to Facebook; they’ll definitely make it to Flickr. We rarely post photos on our website. Rather, we link to Flickr where members can see your photos along with a gazillion other ones we’ve taken over the years (you know, in case you want to relive some fond memories).